
Smart Protein Bar

Original price was: $5.95.Current price is: $4.95.

Availability: In Stock

is available on purchases between $10 and $2,000 learn more

  • Smart Protein Bar is Keto-friendly bar with a high protein contentAstonishing flavour and nougat-like texture
  • There are no artificial sweeteners, colours, or preservatives in this product.
  • Gluten-free, all-natural

Other protein bars are heated to set the shape, but the nutritional information for those bars is based on the preheated ingredients, which means you have no idea what you’re eating in terms of nutritional value.

That is why Smart Protein Bar are the best because you will not only know exactly what you are getting, but you will also enjoy the taste.



Smart Protein Bar Assorted Flavours

Smart Protein Bar

If you’re looking for a quick snack in between meals and the prospect of a protein shake makes you cringe, the Smart Protein Bar by Smart Diet Solutions is an excellent choice. This bar is designed to not only supply your body with the protein it requires to repair and rebuild muscle, but also to aid in fat loss throughout the day.

Although protein bars have grown in popularity over the last few years, not all bars are created equal. Many are little more than glorified candy bars, and thus can completely derail your efforts.

You’ll receive the following with each Smart Protein Bar:

Completely natural ingredients – unlike some bars that contain ten ingredients you can’t even pronounce

A potent dose of fibre that will assist in stabilising your blood glucose levels (and keeping you burning fat all day!) and promoting a sense of fullness. The majority of people find that these bars keep them satisfied for at least a few hours after eating them.

Control is a desire. Available in a variety of delectable flavours, they can truly satisfy your sweet tooth if you have one.

A one-of-a-kind probiotic fibre blend. This accomplishes two goals. To begin, it assists you in incorporating more probiotics into your diet, which aids in digestive health and immune health regularity. Second, it also contributes to the bar’s low calorie count, as there are few nett carbs.

High-quality fats that will help you control your appetite and maintain an optimal level of hormones

To your taste buds, a protein bar should taste like a treat, but not to your body. You don’t want to forego proper nutrition just to save time. These bars are convenient because they are grab-and-go, but you can rest assured that you are providing the best possible nutrition for your muscles.

Each bar contains the following:

  • Approximately 200 calories (rare in the bar world where most are coming in at 220-250 per serving)
  • With fewer than 5 grams of carbs per serving, this is the ideal low carb bar for those following a very low carb diet plan.
  • Nearly 20 grammes dietary fibre
  • Each bar contains 20 grams of high-quality protein.
  • Sodium-free
  • Contains no soy
  • Totally free of all sugar alcohols
  • There are no preservatives or unnecessary fillers.

If you haven’t tried this bar yet, now is the time. It’ll quickly become a kitchen staple.

Smart Protein Bar 25 Flavours
Smart protein bar 25 flavours


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